Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Year

Well it is the start of another year. 2008 went by so fast, can't believe how fast time flies as you get older. Of course, had another birthday. No big deal just another day and it is only a number to me. I truly believe you are only as old as you feel. I still feel like i am in my twenties. I think this is good because it helps me keep up with my kids. I have the best family in the world and the best husband. My mother taught me that family will be there for you no matter what and of course I found out the hard way that she was right!!! I also try to instill in my children the same family traditions as I had growing up. I have to say that we have a pretty close bunch. I look forward to the holidays when we all get together. Though we are all aging over the years and things do change, one thing stays the same we all come together because we are a very close family!!! It took awhile for my husband to realize this as well. He was not brought up in such a close nit family. I like to think I have taught him the importance of family and tradition. These will be things that our children will pass on to their children. Like mom said family will always be there no matter what.

Who knows what the new year will have in store for us, but no matter what I know we will all stick together!!

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