Sunday, August 5, 2012

Awe, football season is almost here!

Well anyone that knows me knows that I love my football.  I love it all, college, pros, my 10 ten year old!  This is the time of year that just makes me giddy.  i can't tell you why I love it so, just do.  i get butterflies at the beginning of any game.  When i am at home and my mightly Oklahoma Sooners get ready to play I walk around nervously anticipating the start.

This season is gonna be great! Peyton Manning is the QB for the Denver Broncos and I can't wait to see what he brings to Denver.  Trust me I still love my Tim Tebow though and will follow him at New York.  Let us not forget my beloved Dree Brees as well.  He finally signed a good deal and is ready to play ball.  We also acquired a new member of our family this football season, her name is Breezie.....hhhhmmm! She is our new family dog and will get to experience the yelling on Saturdays and Sundays first hand.  Lucky dog!!

I can only hope to instill half of my excitement into my daughter and my job will be done!! For our family it is a way of life.  In Oklahoma it is a staple.  Friday night lights, Saturday tailgating and Sunday Bar B Q's with all your friends over to watch NFL.

It doesn't get any better than this!! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our kids!

I find myself slowly figuring out that our kids do not stay little forever.  It is really hard to imagine that I have a 15 year old, 10 year old and my baby is now 5.  I wish I could keep them tiny and snuggle with them as long as I live.

I have also figured out that as they age their attitude tends to change as well.  Of course my mother warned me that I would get paid back.  I am. (insert sight here)

I love my kids and I hate to see any of them going through the growing pains of life.  The steps to finding themselves and the kind of person they want to be.  I have always told my kids to just be yourself and treat people how you want to be treated.  Easier said than done.  Peer pressure, bullies, drama, you name it and I am starting to experience it.

I would not want to go through the teenage years again.  The bullies are relentless and I still haven't figured that out.  Most of the time the "Bully" if you will, may be experiencing some of the life hiccups as well and just does not know how to cope.   It is tough for kids for sure.
They go from this:

to this.......


And this.......

to this......

and lastly, the baby does grow from this.......

to this.......

first day of school

We want to shelter them from everything bad and keep them smiling about everything that is good!!

God gave us these precious gifts, enjoy every minute!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


As I patiently wait for the first snowfall of the year in Oklahoma, I want to reflect back on where I was in October for a second. JAMAICA!! AWE!!!

Secondly, I also remember how stinkin hot it was this summer and waiting in the heat with my little man for "Big Time Rush" to come on stage. WOW

Then before you know it, Christmas time and the weather turns cold!  Time for Christmas parties with the family.

Lastly, it is a new year and I will be turning 40 this weekend!! No problem right, a woman must remember these simple words,

Hello 2012!!


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